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History Food Truck
The mobile food truck industry began to explode in 2008 and 2009, though has a history dating back long before the modern food truck hit the streets. In the late 1800, there were a variety of unique mobile food vendors that began operations. Chuckwagons that accompanied cattle ranchers on the prairie are an example of the first mobile food vendors. Another example of early mobile vendors were the famous hot dog stands of New York. Common since the 60s, the lunchera was a unique way to get food to workers in California.
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Criminal Jurisdiction on Indian lands
There are 3 types of tribal land. First we have the tribal trust lands, which is land that is held by the tribe itself and usually where the tribal headquarters is located. Tribal trust land may also be where schools, medical facilities, and businesses are located. Oftentimes, hunting and fishing land is also on tribal trust land. This is land owned by the tribe, and they're held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the tribe.
Video Game Copyrights
Copyrights are extremely important for video game developers, because most of their work is copyrightable. Though what exactly can be protected by copyright in video game development? There are three limiting doctrines to what can be protected by copyright. The idea expression dichotomy, the merger doctrine, and Scène à faire, are three doctrines that limit what can be protected by copyright.
Trusts Law – Setting Power of Attorney During Divorce
When setting power of attorney, it is important that you have the right person appointed. You may have a situation where the state statute will invalidate a spouse acting on your power of attorney for you, if you neglect to do this during a divorce.
Counterfeiters Fashion Law
Typical types of counterfeiters are brick and mortar stores, such as flea markets; street sellers, for example New York city's Chinatown. This is a stagnating breed of counterfeiting, because people are moving to online shopping.
Trusts Law – Death During Divorce Proceedings
In many jurisdictions, the death early in divorce proceedings immediately terminates a dissolution and is referred to as abatement. Minnesota for example, even an assigned mediation agreement, if it had not been assigned by the court, would not be considered enough for the court to continue on with the divorce proceedings.
Trusts Law – Considerations Whether to File for Divorce
Elective share, is one of the probate rules that apply when filing for divorce. Elective share is a statutory framework which exist in most states that says if you try to omit your spouse, or you have no will at all, it gives the spouse a basic equitable share of the decedent's estate. This equitable share oftentimes is based off years of marriage.
Trusts Law – Gift Tax System
Trusts Law - Gift Tax System. Susan L. Anderson focuses her practice on estate planning, trusts, wealth preservation, charitable planning, and probate; on the administration and litigation fronts. As the former CEO and President of ING National Trust, Susan has a deep view and understanding of a myriad of trusts.
Trusts Law – State Estate Tax Primer
One might think if a couple has less than 10.86, what's the point of talking about estate taxes. When it comes to many of our couples which have less than 10.86 million in estate taxes, or less than 5.43 million. The problem is we still have the potential of state estate taxes, as there are still 18 states that have their own estate tax system.

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