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What if my dog bites someone?
If your dog bites someone, there are many things that can happen, depending upon the extent of damages, and the specifics of the case. On the civil side, the dog owner is likely to be sued in civil court for damages and personal injury stemming from the attack. Damages can also include another animal that has been attacked.
What is Cybersecurity defines Cybersecurity as a body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. There have been many substantial data breaches recently. Cybersecurity needs to be addressed on an internal perspective, as well as an external perspective.
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FDCPA Harassment Abuse Collections
Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, in 15 U.S.C., the statute strictly prohibits debt collection activity which is deemed harassment, or abusive. As seen in previous statutory sections, Section 1692d, has no definition for “harassment” or “abuse” to assist the debt collector. However, the FDCPA does provide specific prohibitions against the use of language that is profane, obscene, or other actions which is intended to harass, or oppress the consumer.
Data Breaches Retail Fashion Industry
Recently, there has been an increase in data breaches throughout the retail industry after the development of “PoS RAM scrapers”. According to, a PoS RAM scraper is a way hackers can steal payment data from your PoS transactions. During the purchase process, the payment card industry has a set of data security standards called PCI-DSS. Your payment data is decrypted in the PoS RAM for processing, that is where the scraper software steals your data.
The Evolution of the Netflix Revenue Model
Digital media's rising popularity exposed a weakness in brick and mortar distribution companies like Blockbuster. Blockbuster lacked the convenience a digital distribution model offered and did away with the exorbitant late fees video rental businesses relentlessly imposed on the consumer.
What is the JOBS Act with Kendall Almerico
The JOBS Act is actually seven different bills combined and was signed into law April 5, 2012. The bills ranged from an IPO onramp to give emerging growth companies an easier way to get into the IPO market which was dying, to a law to fix regulation A which is a great fundraising tool. This fix was a mini IPO that small companies can do to raise a lot of money. There was also a rule to change private placement so that people could go online to raise money through private placements, instead of having to do that behind closed doors with customers and people you've already done business with.
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Distilled Spirits Plant Requirements
License are required for distillation, blending, processing, rectifying, warehousing, and bottling of distilled spirits. Only registered distilled spirits plants may produce distilled spirits. Production of distilled spirits for personal use is prohibited.
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What is Special Education?
Special education is the educational instruction specially designed to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities. At no cost to parents, this specialized education can be administered in classrooms, homes, hospitals, and other institutions.
Top 10 Risks Facing Nonprofit Boards
Gregory Nielsen, CEO, Center for Nonprofit Excellence ( give us his Top 10 Risks Facing Nonprofit Boards. Members of nonprofit organizations regardless of state, face risk factors and the Center for Nonprofit Excellence wants you to be aware of them.

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Samuel F. Daughety
1900 K Street NW, Washington DC
The Indian Child Welfare Act: Background, Application, and Recent Administrative & Court Developments
Dentons US LLP
Sara Hanks
Alexandria, VA
Advanced Securities Crowdfunding
Steven D. Goldberg
4406 Tennyson Rd. Wilmington, DE
LLC Opinion Letters, Potential Liability and Possible Protections
When a Member of the LLC is in Financial Trouble: Charging Orders, Executory Agreements in Bankruptcy, and Suggested Drafting Options
Steven D. Goldberg Attorney at Law
Zachary C. Strebeck
2443 Fillmore St. #380-5561, San Francisco CA
Video Game Law 101
Zachary C. Strebeck Attorney at Law
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