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Stolen Firearms – Should Owners Be Liable?
In this article, by, Reed Martz deals with the question of stolen firearms and whether or not a gun owner should be held liable by the perpetrators' actions with said gun. A gun stolen from a home during a burglary is one thing Reed says, yet when a gun is stolen out of an unlocked vehicle, it is quite another.
Straw Purchases – Firearms
Straw purchases, as explained in this NRA blog post by Tom McHale, are a way criminals acquire guns illegally from unsuspecting individuals. Tom walks you through the details and gives readers valuable information, so ensure they don't get caught up in the scam.
The Native Legal Update
The Native Legal Update takes pride in serving the Native American and Alaskan Native peoples and organizations. From public service legal programs, to multimillion dollar finance and infrastructure projects, the Foster Pepper PPLLC firm works closely with Tribes and Alaskan Native Corporations to facilitate their community development and economic growth.
Native Opinion Blog
Native Opinion is a unique radio show and podcast discussing American contemporary issues from the Native American Indian perspective. Hosts Michael Kickingbear, of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, and David GreyOwl, a member of the Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama, present in each broacast an Indigenous view on American history, politics and culture, and how those things impact and shape Native American lives.
Smoke Signals Indian Law Blog
Smoke Signals Indian Law Blog, by Lael Echo-Hawk of Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP, provides information on tribal internal governance issues, economic development activities, and more. Lael Echo-Hawk, a Pawnee, represents tribes and tribal organizations across the United States. Her blog is rich with information on tribal issues.
The National Indian Law Library
The National Indian Law Library ( NILL), provides a full collection of Indian law resources and direct research assistance to the public. Their collection includes tribal self-governance documents, such as tribal constitutions, codes, ordinances, charters, bylaws and intergovernmental agreements. Indian law treatises and case law reports can also be found within their search-able database of federal legislative historical documents relating to Indian law.
Fashion Industry Copyright Registration
Ways with copyright registration, is the topic of this blog post in the Fashion Industry Law Blog. In order to protect your copyright designs, you need to prove you have registered your design with the Copyright Office. Find out how to register multiple copyrightable designs in a cost effective way.
Designers Benefit from Demanding Consumers
We want what we want, and we want it now. That's the battle cry of most consumers these days, and when it comes to fashion that sentiment rings even louder. The minute a design hits the runway, fashionistas everywhere are in a rush to buy. In this recent blog post by, Greta Hogan discusses how the "see now/buy now" mentality is being accepted by designers in the fashion industry.
Design Patents & Trade Dress, the brainchild of the law office of Kane Russell Coleman & Logan PC, is a great source on fashion industry legal matters that concern everyone along the supply chain. In this recent post, writers Jennifer Schultz and Jessica Bruder discuss design patents, trade dress, and dual design protection.

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